RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "writing professionally"

Writing Tip of the Week 22

Don’t get left behind with what’s hot in the publishing industry. Read the latest best-sellers to see just what

Writing Jobs 07/10/2011

Writing jobs for 7th October

If you are interested in any of these writing jobs, then don’t forget to apply in a timely manner as they will get snapped up quickly. If you like these jobs, then why not sign up for our Premier1 newsletter where you can have

Writing Jobs 01/10/2011

Take a look at the writing jobs available this week. If you would like more writing jobs, sign up for our Premier1 Membership and have an abundance of writing jobs and articles sent through to you.

Writing Jobs 23/09/2011

Every Friday we will publish the latest in writing job listings for writers so please bookmark the Creative Competitor and check out our site regularly.The following job listings have all been recently advertised online.

How to Write Great Screenplay Dialogue

How to Write Great Screenplay Dialogue

If you want to write a great screenplay, learning how to write screenplay dialogue that is compelling and realistic is a must. Here’s how to tighten up your dialogue and avoid the biggest mistakes made by amateur screenwriters.

Taking Advantage of the New Ebook Revolution

When Amazon announced that their Kindle digital download sales had eclipsed both their hardback and paperback sales combined, the moment of the new ebook revolution had arrived. The launch of the Amazon Kindle in 2007 allowed people to simply click and buy to download ebooks from the Kindle marketplace onto their device. In 2009 the Apple iPad exploded onto the scene bringing with it the iBook app that also enabled ebook sales via other Apple family of products such as the iPhone and iPod.

Television Writer

Television Writer

Becoming a successful television writer is the dream of many TV script writers who are interested in creative writing for this most popular means of entertainment. A television writer holds a prominent position in bringing programs to television because he or she is responsible for penning the plotline, the dialogues, characters, and creating situations for the story. The TV writer furthers re-writes and polishes the script until it is ready to be used for filming.

The Double Edged Sword for Writers

The Double Edged Sword for Writers

For nine years I worked for an online publicity firm for authors. The company was one of the first, if not the first, dedicated solely to online publicity.

How to Add ‘Bestselling Author’ to Your Resume

How to Add ‘Bestselling Author’ to Your Resume

The ultimate goal for most authors is to be able to add bestselling author to their resume. This article will give you a few pointers on how to do just that.

Green Up Your Home Office

Green living is an important concept for everyone to embrace and as writers, we should be equally conscious about our own contribution to the planet. If you mention green living

Writing Tip of the Week 17

If you are having a bad day with your writing, the words won’t come and every page is painstakingly hard, it’s very easy to be tempted to discard your work, but resist that compulsion and simply put your writing away for another day.

Book Authors: How To Sell More Books And Get Your Publisher Active

Book Authors: How To Sell More Books And Get Your Publisher Active

It is an unfortunate reality that most people who write books believe that their publisher will always put their best foot forward, to promote their book. In the real world, it does not quite work that way

Writing Tip of the Week 13

A synopsis is so important and can make the difference between publication and rejection. Give your manuscript a chance by following these simple steps….

Brand Management – Press Release Fundamentals

Brand Management – Press Release Fundamentals

Certain concepts just carry over well from print journalism. The
press release, the tried and true method of updating the public
on an organization’s affairs, is an example of just how well
such a concept can survive

Authors: The Only Marketing Secret You Need To Know

Authors: The Only Marketing Secret You Need To Know

Since you are reading this, it is pretty clear that you are already aware of the popularity and prospective value of information based marketing. It’s so popular that there are more than enough articles on the Web to keep the average person……

Getting Started as a Travel Writer: Basic Tips on What You Need and Don’t Need to Begin Your Journey

Getting Started as a Travel Writer: Basic Tips on What You Need and Don’t Need to Begin Your Journey

What does it take to effectively start your path toward becoming a freelance travel writer? What skills, experience, tools, education, and temperament are best suited for success as a travel writer?

Twist in the Tale Winning Submission

Twenty years of marriage and this was the worst set of arguments that they had ever had. Not even the trials and tribulations of raising twins had caused them to fall out on this scale. Marilyn breathed in the familiar scent of her husband’s cologne, loving his silent form so much that it hurt.

The Donkey That Roared – One Title Too Many

The Donkey That Roared – One Title Too Many

The book was about escaping to the good life in a Spanish village. The so-called “simple life” can be fiendishly complicated, so it was light-hearted stuff but with a serious message underneath.

There have been scores of escapist books (you may have read “Driving over lemons” or “A year in Provence”),

How to Use Psychology in Copywriting

How to Use Psychology in Copywriting

When I was growing up, the great Star Wars films of the 1970s and 80s competed alongside my Dad for the role of official teacher and mentor. They helped set my moral compass, taught me the difference between good and evil, the importance of loyalty, friendship and trust, and that freezing myself in carbonite

A Writer’s Style

A Writer’s Style

We talk a lot in this business about a writer’s ‘style,’ and often that’s an elusive issue. Not one’s voice, exactly, although style incorporates voice, and not the technical aspects such as sentence structure and word usage, syntax, although those, too come under that heading. So what, exactly, IS style?

The Perfects

The Perfects

The Perfects have risen from the earth to save the planet from total destruction.
It is 12/12/2012; the end of the Mayan calendar. The world leaders, through their greed and lust for power, have triggered their arsenal of nuclear weapons.

The Hesitant Writer

Stephanie Chandler wrote in her book, “From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur” that a survey indicated nearly 80 percent of Americans would like to write a book. That’s a stunning number of potential writers. There are a variety of reasons why some do what’s needed to become a writer and why others never attempt it.

Four BIG Mistakes To Avoid On Elance

I definitely stand by Elance as the King Of All Freelancer Sites. I used quite a few and I found it to consistently get me quality jobs. I also like the interface and everything else about it. There are lots of good jobs for writers and you can make money there, but there are 4 huge mistakes lots of ghostwriters make….

A Writer’s Perspective on First Drafts

So you have an idea for a book. Time to start writing. Some people would counsel to just sit down and start typing, and see where your muse takes you. This is referred to as “organic” writing. It works fine when you only have a germ of an idea or you’re brainstorming.

Is the fear of rejection holding you back?

Fear of rejection is the curse of all amateur writers, it can stop you from progressing with your writing and taking that crucial step…

Writing Tip of the Week 3

Creative Competitor Weekly Writing Tip 3. Plan your writing day…

Writing Tip of the Week 2

It might be horrible to receive a rejection letter or email and to have your manuscript come winging its way back but don’t despair, it might make you feel like giving up but don’t throw in the towel. See any rejections merely as stumbling blocks en-route to publishing success and learn from them.

Going on Holiday? Write Travel Blogs

It’s human nature for people to share in the experiences of others and that’s why travel blogs are so popular. Not everyone can afford to travel to exotic locations certainly on a regular basis

Writing Tip of the Week 1

Applying for writing jobs? Being professional is great but…

Writing A Crime Novel? Plan The Death Scene Carefully

When writing a crime novel, you must know your killer inside and out. What makes your antagonist react violently, think history, think murder weapons…